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Global Handwashing Day: Here’s why sustaining hand hygiene practices is so important in post-Covid era

Washing hands is very important to maintain general hygiene but very often most of us do not do it. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to practice it every day. Two years on, experts highlight why people still need to do it especially because of the diseases that come because of dirty hands

The Covid-19 pandemic helped us realise the importance of washing our hands. It is an act that has been taught to us as children but many of us still take it for granted due to sheer laziness or lack of importance for personal hygiene. Every year, October 15 is celebrated as World Handwashing Day to raise awareness about the simple act of washing one's hands. Even though the act may seem a very normal practice in our daily lives, experts say it helps us to avoid getting infected with diseases and keeps us safe at all times.

Dr Umang Agrawal, infectious diseases consultant at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC in Mahim, says with dirty hands, one could get many diseases such as diarrhoea, viral infections that cause cold, dysentery and fever among others. In fact, dirty hands may lead to one suffering from seasonal diseases such as gastroenteritis, a disease that people suffer from during the monsoon. With the rains almost over and the Covid-19 pandemic tapering, one must not forget the importance of washing hands. It is something the last two years have taught us in more ways than one about the ill-effects of personal hygiene.

Mid-day Online spoke to Dr Agrawal and Dr Sneha Vaidya, director, nursing - western region, Apollo Hospitals in Navi Mumbai, to understand more about the importance of washing hands in a post-Covid world. They not only delve into the diseases one could get because of keeping their hands dirty but also share tips about how one could keep their hands clean, and last but not the least the proper way to wash them.

Why is it important to wash our hands?

Agrawal: It is important to wash your hands as a personal hygiene measure and also to prevent diseases that can be transmitted via dirty hands.

Vaidya: Regular hand washing keeps you from getting sick and also prevents you from spreading them to others.

What are the illnesses one can get from dirty hands?

Agrawal: There are many diseases you can get from dirty hands including diarrhea, viral infections, infections causing colds, dysentery and fever.

Vaidya: There are numerous contagious diseases that can be spread from dirty hands. (Have asked for proper details)

How should one wash their hands? Please share directions

Agrawal:People should follow these directions to maintain clean hands:

1. One should wash their hands under warm or cold running water

2. Apply soap, and make sure the lather covers every inch of your hand including the front, back, between the fingers, and under the nails,

3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds and dry them.

Vaidya:Duration of the entire procedure should be between 40-60 seconds after one wet their hands with water. They should follow this procedure:

1. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces

2. Rub hands palm to palm

3. Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa

4. Palm to palm with fingers interlaced

5. Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked

6. Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa

7. Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm

8. Rinse hands with water

9. Dry hands thoroughly

10. Use towel to turn off faucet, with a single use towel

11. Your hands are now safe.

When should one wash their hands?

Agrawal: One should wash their hands regularly but most importantly during, before, and after cooking food. Even before you have anything to eat, and after you are done eating. If you are caring for a sick patient, ensure to wash your hands before so as to not transmit any illness through your hands. People should also wash their hands after touching an animal.

Vaidya: One can wash hands after blowing your nose, coughing, after visiting public spaces or transportations, before and after eating food, touching animals or when your hands are visibly dirty.

How many times a day should one wash their hands?

Agrawal: It is important to wash your hands as often as possible during the day.

Vaidya: There is no defined number of times to wash but one should wash whenever in contact with people, places or things.

Does the amount of handwashing depend on the age group/gender or type of work?

Agrawal: No, not really. The amount of handwashing doesn't depend on any of the above factors including age group/gender or type of work.

Vaidya:No, the amount of handwashing doesn’t depend on the age group or gender or type of work.

In the electronic age, we spend a lot of time on our laptops/mobile phones and gadgets, and many reports say they carry a lot of germs. Is it important to wash our hands after using them, especially before eating?

Agrawal: Yes, it is important to wash your hands after using instruments such as laptops/gadgets because they contain a lot of germs and even if you aren’t using these gadgets before eating, always wash your hands.

Vaidya:Yes, it’s very important to wash hands after handling the gadgets because they do carry multiple germs that are harmful for health.

What are the common misconceptions about handwashing?

Agrawal: An important misconception is that handwashing is a farce and does not really help. It has been shown that handwashing prevents the incidences of viral diseases to the extent of 60 per cent. It prevents sickness in around 20-40 per cent of patients as well as per the CTC.

Vaidya: There are many myths regarding hands getting dried because of frequent handwashing. People also believe that you should only use warm water, and try to use sanitiser. (Have asked for proper details)

Please share tips on how one can maintain hand hygiene.

Agrawal: Please use the following tips to maintain hand hygiene:

1. Dirty hands can transmit diseases. Make sure you are washing hands regularly. Especially before, during and after cooking food

2. Washing hands before and after eating something

3. Washing hands after using the washroom

4. Washing when regularly caring for a sick patient

5. Make sure you are spending at least 20 seconds washing your hands. Use adequate amount of soap.

Vaidya: One needs to remember that our best practices of regular hand washing have always saved us from many disease conditions and we must continue and educate the masses.

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