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CPD Webinar for Family Physicians at P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar on 8th January, 2022

P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Khar, had organized a CPD webinar for Family Physicians on 8th January, 2022, in the specialty of Gynecology / Obstetrics.

Dr. Rajeev Punjabi, Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics, at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar, spoke on the topic, "PCOS! Epidemic or Over diagnosis? Treat or Not?". He stated that "PCOD is seen rampantly today in clinical practice and PCOD should not be called a disease but a condition. Every girl or women suffering from PCOD does not need a treatment and regular exercises and lifestyle change is mandatory, is what he had emphasized. Menses is a marker of hormonal balance and not the cause of it while irregular menses may not need treatment.

Overall, Counselling and Empowerment with scientific facts plays an important role in managing this condition said Dr. Punjabi.

Dr.Pritesh Naik, Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics, at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar, then spoke on "Newer modalities of Vaginal Laparoscopic Hysterectomy''. He made a mention that "Hysterectomy is the most commonly performed surgery in Gynecological practice not related to pregnancy. The vaginal approach has always been the route of choice if possible and abdominal route, if vaginal was not feasible. He explained to the audience the vNOTES approach, a novel approach to perform Gynecological Surgery. Dr.Pritesh mentioned that vNOTES showed good evidence of benefits over TLH such as reduced operative hours, short stay at hospital, reduced pain with reduced post-operative complications, to list a few.

Dr.Sujit Ash, Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics, at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar, then spoke on "Screening for High - Risk Pregnancies". He mentioned that factors contributing to maternal mortality include delay in seeking assistance by the patient and family, lack of transportation and delay in providing assistance at a health care facility. High - risk pregnancies require close monitoring and sometimes, referral to a perinatal centre, especially if women have complex high - risk conditions.

Ms.Sheena Sood, Consultant, Psychology & Counsellor at P.D.Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Khar, spoke on the topic, "Importance of mental health in Gynecology & Obstetrics'. She spoke about the Psychological disorders in Pregnancy such as Postpartum Blues, Postpartum depression, Postpartum Psychosis etc. These disorders can be dealt with using psychotherapy and medication as a combination, she said. The most commonly reported risk factors for postpartum depression includes financial difficulties, domestic violence, past history of psychiatric illness in the mother, marital conflict, lack of support from the husband and birth of a female baby.

Children of mothers with PPD have greater cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal problems and are at a greater risk of being underweight and stunted. She also emphasized on Postpartum Depression in Men. She said that it affects about 10% of fathers worldwide. Signs include abuse of alcohol or drugs, anger, irritability, impulsivity or violent behavior. Hysterectomy can be traumatic experience and research shows that it may also increase the long - term risk for depression and anxiety. Ovarian cancer patients need psychological assessment during the course of treatment.

Interactive session was well handled by Dr. Rajeev Punjabi, Dr. Pritesh Naik, Dr. Sujit Ash and Ms. Sheena Sood.

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